प्रभिन्नाभिः शम्भोर्नवभिरपि मूलप्रकृतिभिः ।
त्रिरेखभिः सार्धं तव शरणकोणाः परिणताः
prabhinnabhih sambhor navabhir api mulaprakrtibhih
catus catvarimsad vasudalakalasra trivalaya
trirekhabhis sardham tava caranakonah parinatah
And severally the nine of prime nature, with eight and sixteen petals,
Three circles and three lines are thus complete
The forty-three elements that make up your finalized angular refuge.
This verse refers to the well-known Sri Chakra. The term "Chakra" suggests a global unit of consciousness. It is represented as a circle for two-dimensional convenience, but it is meant to be more than a circle. It consists of triangles with their bases placed conversely trying to interpenetrate each other from opposite sides. On the plus side, the numerator set of inverted triangles represents the masculine principle of Shiva. The lower set of upright triangles, on the denominator side, evidently represents the feminine counterpart of the numerator set.
caturbhih srikanthais - with four of Shiva
siva yuvatibhih pancabhir api - of Shiva-maids five
prabhinna bhihi sambhoho - and severally distinct from those of Shiva
navabhir api mula prakrtir bhih - and those nine too of prime nature
trayes (in text catus) catvarimsad - making 43 in all (in text 44)
vasudala kalasra trivalaya trirekhabhis - with 3 circles and 3 lines with 8 and 16 petals are thus complete
sardham - taken together
tava carana konaha parinatah - make up Your finalized angular refuge
There are 44 manifestations or elements in the Sri Chakra, which is the "angular refuge" referred to here.
The 44 elements are later given monomarks and categorized.

This is meant to clarify some other secret mystical schematismus. (See Kant)
There are no analogies here. only schemasor structures.
The Devi has to be understood as itis central, not only to the Saundarya Lahari, but to the Advaita Vedanta tradition of erotic mysticism.
Only in this way can Vedanta be presented in a useful manner. Vedanta must be able to solve problems, especially marital.
The whole of the universe is composed of two forces - represented in this work by Shiva and the Devi - originating at opposite poles, and meeting in a neutral, central zone, called by Descartes the zone of occasionalism. Descartes discovered the secrets of the Upanishads in his meditations.
So the Goddess must become the centre of meditation - thus the meditation becomes normalised. Only that version of philosophy which makes real values of the conceptual and the perceptual is worthwhile.
In order to have a pure conceptual understanding of Brahman, the Absolute, the Devi must be given positive status. She is not only a female, She gets a real dimension, which finally becomes the Absolute. (See Sankara's other writings) Sankara was fully conversant with the most precious aspects of Hindu Philosophy. He made no mistakes because his intuition was right. But you can go still further into the mystical experience and be completely overwhelmed.
"I do not have mystical trances. I have trances of a mild nature, and I have certain mild occult or psychic powers. I always get the book I want." (Nataraja Guru)
The Devi is a normalised god - all the other gods are hypostatic.
She is a neutral Goddess.
In these verses there is a kind of emanation (eternal value factor) from between the legs of the Devi, being sprinkled on the Nadis (psychic nerves).
The vertical reference of that is as noble as any joy which can be had through meditation.
By her intentionality, she is blessing (sanctifying) everything in the universe. (Eidetic intentionality).
There is a transient (horizontal) as well as an immortal (vertical) dimension in everything.
Whenever there is a ritual, there is a Mantra which goes together with it. There is participation from both sides.
The two legs represent the virtual and the actual.
Benediction (sprinkling),
Beauty of face,
Breasts both heavy and proud.
When Shiva descends on the vertical axis, how do you know he is there, functioning?
Thus, in this verse, Shiva is adequately represented as present.
The Devi is only a protolinguistic representation of the Absolute on the perceptual side. It lends itself to description.
Brahman, the Absolute, is a bright light, incapable of being described.
In this verse we have a structure at the negative or normal limit.
Of Shambo the distinct ones
The nine (basic) of prime nature
Of 43 elements
With 8 and 16 petals, 3 circles and 3 lines
Complete (making up a total)
Is thy refuge in angular matured form
Triangles are relational and represent a certain order.
Space can be represented by a line. All this is to show the relations within the Absolute.
Who asked you to put the Absolute into a structure?
How can the Absolute have any geometric structure hiding in it?
The human mind is most at home when it can think of a solid - that is, on the perceptual, immanent or negative side - according to Bergson.
The mind can also think of a concept: this is why we have Para- and Apara-Brahman. (The immanent and transcendent Absolutes).
You cannot predicate anything about Brahman, so why draw diagrams?
It is a defect of our minds, which either need a geometric solid or a category on which to fix.
There are two kinds of philosophies, algebraic or geometrical.
We have also the algebra of geometry and vice-versa.
This question of making drawings is an epistemological one: we make schemas to show the relations within Brahman.
There are two fundamental distinctions - Para and Apara, immanent and transcendant.
When geometry and algebra both confirm a point, that is final.
(Post - Hilbertian mathematics has to be studied, a mathematical reality is as valid a "thing" as any philosophical point. (A Universal Concrete.)
Abstractions of thought must meet the form of logic.
The relation between forms of thought and forms of logic: for example, there are two proofs to Pythagoras' theorem: one is visual, the other is intellectual - and it is the same thing with Brahman and Absolute Beauty.
There is Para Vidya and Apara Vidya (immanent and transcendent knowledge) - one is geometric, one is abstract, like algebra.
We use schemas or structures because the mind needs something to hold onto.
Just to speak of the Absolute is elusive: we want "a gooseberry to hold in the hand" (A Vedantic simile for knowing something with certainty - it is like holding a prickly gooseberry tightly in one's hand. ED), something definite.
The Gita says that if you know Samkhya properly, you will also know Yoga - and vice-versa. "He who sees Samkhya and Yoga as the same, he alone sees the truth".
In the Colloquy of the Gods in Kena Upanishad, the same Akasha (Space or Ether) gives up the figure of the Devi. This is the greatest secret of the Upanishads. (See Kena Upanishad q.v.)
This can be given 10 minutes:
A) Architectonic
B) Geometric forms, logarithmic spirals, conic sections etc..
then dynamically viewed,
then serially viewed.
Then swinging into the text.
2) Explanation of still.
3) Animation and dynamism.
Ten minutes explanation at the beginning of the film.
Kali Natakam: you cannot have more eroticism than in this dance, but it is vertical eroticism; it will not hurt anyone.
This is a fully geometric structure, he is now describing the Devi in pure mathematical terms.
There are four triangles with their bases above for Shiva and five with base below for the Devi.
Taken all together, there are 44 elements - 9 triangles, 3 circles, 3 lines, the 8 petal lotus, the 16 petal lotus.
There seems to be dispute about the proper number here.
The English translation by a Malayali Pundit has innumerable theories.
14+8+16+3+3=44 - Structural factors are to be used:
All these factors are to be seen as mathematically conceived elements or structural loci.
The Sanskrit-Malayalam rendering indicates either 43 or 44 structural loci.
This must refer to conics; when they say "triangles from opposite directions" they must mean conics.
The ancient Hindus, who founded Tantra, were not conscious of conics.
How to count these angles?
When they say three circles, letters and magenta; it is plane geometry.
But when they say Kali....
The three concentric circles framing the Sri Chakra are peripheral and central only - this is plane geometry.
The Greeks developed conics to a high degree, calculating ellipses, parabolas, charting the paths of stars, etc..
It is a flame or a lotus or lightning.
The face, or Bindu, is put into place with Shiva.
Then speaks the descending pride of Shiva and the ascending pride of Parvati.
The bells on Shiva's waist are peripheral and at the outer limit (upper?).
Then the heavy breasts of the Devi are to be put into a conic section.
The inside cones do not count (Shiva Kanyas - "Shiva maids") since there can be an infinite number of cones in a cone.
The Chakra is something about which you can make a predication = prabhinna (? illegible)
This is the house of the Devi with its 14 exterior angles, etc.
The interior angles are merely Kanyas (maid-servants of the Devi).
"The centre is where You reside, the exterior angles represent Your physical house."
Parvati has the function of manifesting the world, while Shiva represents the pure vertical axis.
Thus she cannot represent the final Absolute, but is absorbed into it.
These three circles are the girdle of the structure, with lotus petals and magenta and chromatic colours, coming from the waist of the Devi.
The Indian mind wanted to represent something, but had an incomplete knowledge of solid geometry.
A woman is already on the negative vertical axis - there is no religion or meditation required.
Poets worship gods, make poems; women do not need to do this.
A woman's body is existential beauty itself
Cancel all the Chakras which condition you.
The Sri Chakra is a lotus floating in a well.
Riemannian space is geodesic.
Lobachevskian space - many parallels are possible - two trumpet shapes.
Imagine marbles in a bucketof water - the marbles are Riemannian space
- the water is Lobachevskian space
There are nine points of intersection - five below, four above.
Eight petals is the four of the quaternion structure divided - subdivided again makes sixteen.
"Rule till result comes" this is vertical absolutism.
"Take taxes like a cloud taking up moisture to produce rain".
An angle is a refuge - trigonometry and sinus curves are all based on triangles.
Higher mathematics, trigonometry, logarithms etc., are all based on triangles.
The dynamism is all related to triangles.
The Devi is an hourglass shape structurally reduced to its limit:
Her waist is almost non-existent: "mitya kalpita madhye" .
Chirality, ambivalence, polarity - there are structural elements here, as well as in modern mathematics.
Equations and graphs verify each other - geometry and algebra meet.